Monday, December 21, 2009
first post of december
Friday, November 27, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Back to getting work a very slow pace.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
My new shoes from Aldo - they were expensive. =( Don't mind my very scratched up apartment floor. So I decided that I had to wear them today and this is what I went to class in.
Skinny legging jeans from American Eagle, silk tanktop from Urban Outfitters, and cardigan from Gap. The tanktop is a new purchase which I was quite happy to find. A little difficult to explain, but the pattern found on the bottom of the front part of the top is on the entire back of the top. It's really pretty - I don't think my camera does either the shoes or the top justice. =(
As for updates, hopefully I'll find some motivation to put more posts up.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
boots, boots and more boots

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009
its been a while
Looks coming up soon...I HOPE!
Monday, October 19, 2009
walking advertisement
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
so many things to do
So I really enjoyed the look above. The dress and cardigan are both from Urban Outfitters, bought on separate occasions during Thanksgiving. I know, I know, I go there way too much - I also spend way too much money there, even when I realise that for the prices they charge I'm not getting much back in quality. But it's sooo pretty. The tights are, rather upsettingly, starting to tear - it was my first time wearing them after purchasing them from Winners for 6 dollars. I guess I couldn't ask for much. They were pretty when I first slipped them on, but then started realising that everytime I crossed and uncrossed my legs, I was tearing them. The boots are a few years old and are from Steve Madden. I've only just gotten to wearing them more often because I've been having problems with the snap button on the back - I have found a very awkward way of putting them on to solve this problem. I decided to minimise on the accessories because of the big pattern on the dress.
Back to work, as I have 3 presentations and a midterm coming in 2 weeks. Ah!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
little motivation to do anything...except SHOP.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
new look

This was my look for the day. I actually wore the flats out but was tempted to try my new boots with the outfit. They're Ralph Lauren and I love them - but they are 5 inch heels and walking around campus 2 days in a row is quite difficult. Speaking of difficult tasks - taking my own photo also proved to be a challenge. I ended up stacking a large amount of magazines, textbooks and coursepacks on top of my ottoman, then perched a tripod on top of that so that I could get the right height and angle. Even then, I simply got too tired of posing for a camera so settled for average photos. Don't ask me about the editing of the photos - my sister did it for me, so I don't quite know why they have two different qualities to them. Anyway, I slipped on a men's vintage fit shirt from American Eagle over a black slip. I belted the shirt with a black, skinny belt. I paired this with a pair of gray stockings that I got - you can't see it in the photo but I love the look of these tights, in a way they look like leggings (the material is thicker and the colour actually includes several shades of gray). With winter fast approaching, I have continued to build up my tights collection - I actually got 3 more today, strangely enough they're all gray.
I'm going to go off now and obsess about my outfit for tomorrow - but I probably won't be able to come up with anything and then find myself 5 minutes before having to go to class rushing around frantically trying to piece something together.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
can't wait to get me one of these.

Sunday, September 27, 2009
future food critic?
Saturday, September 26, 2009
first outfit
I did finally splurge on those aviators and found myself a pretty pair of Ray-Bans. I love them and am constantly hoping for sun and thus a reason to wear them. On the topic of accessories, I'm also wearing one of the silk scarves I was raving about as well as (you can't see it)one of the many gold necklaces I bought along with an H&M bag that has lasted me throughout my university years and an American Eagle belt. Skinny jeans (Forever21), tucked in tanktop (American Apparel), cardigan (Gap), and boyfriend blazer (Zara). The flats are actually from Old Navy - they're surprisingly comfortable but unfortunately wearing out to such a degree that when it rains, water gets into my shoe through the sole. I've been on the lookout for a replacement pair but have yet to find anything remotely close in terms of a good balance between comfort and looks.
I went to return some things today at Forever21 and H&M before my study date with Cathy and her friend, Kay, and had to restrain myself from purchasing anything. GO WILLPOWER. Next thing for my willpower to work on? Perhaps exercise or eating healthy. If only it was as easy to do as typing it.
Monday, September 21, 2009
more things i'm in love with that i probably won't get to buy
Saturday, September 19, 2009
On a fashion note, I spent the entire day with Cathy, one of my closest friends here in Montreal, and we went shopping - all over downtown. Cathy and I have come to realise that we are the best shopping partners - or perhaps the worst - as we seem to encourage each other to buy so much with our similar tastes. While my wallet is considerably lighter, I have continued to further my collection of necklaces, adding 3 more to my collection. In addition to the necklaces from Forever21, I ended up with a dress and two tops from the store. Owls seem to be the stylish animal of the season. And I could not get away from the trend. I also could not avoid going into Urban Outfitters and heading immediately for the sale racks on the second-floor. I walked out with 2 tops and a silk scarf. The thing about silk scarves is that it's so versatile - especially with the right print. You can use it in a more casual outfit or in an outfit that you want to dress up, and who can resist the smooth texture of silk. Cathy and I walked for so long that by the time we returned to my apartment we were exhausted and had blisters on our feet.
In addition to the sequin and leather skirt from the last post, I'm currently hunting for aviators - summer may be coming to an end but aviators seem like a style of sunglasses that is season-less, and I WANT THEM.
No pictures this time, I'm much too tired. Perhaps when I have constructed a look from my purchases I will post a picture up. I think I will be climbing back into bed soon and staying there for the rest of the day...or not.
Have a good one.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
so many new obsessions
I am also going crazy about gold statement necklaces. In this last week I have bought four (FOUR!) of them and I am preparing my wallet for much more of this gorgeous-ness on Friday, my day of freedom from school and all cares in the world. On top of my gold rush, anything studded catches my eye. Which seems like everything these days.
On a much more creative note, I am currently knitting a baby pink - as demanded by my younger sister who just so happens to be a (surprise, surprise) pink lover - hooded sweater for my sweetie, Chere, as her Christmas present. Hopefully I won't mess it up.