In the midst of obsessing about what to wear for the day or the next few days for that matter, I've had to worry about so many other things. Especially, my future. I feel like for everyone else they have this set, known path of what they do and yet I find merely thinking about my future, the most daunting task. But according to the plan that had been laid out for me previously, I should be leaving Montreal by the end of the year. If this is to be, there are so many things that I want to to do before saying au revoir to this place that I have, out of mere habit, started calling home. For 3 years I have managed to stay pretty close to the downtown area - but I think it's time that I started going to places that are out of my comfort zone. So new shopping areas (for me) here I come! While I often frequent St-Laurent and St-Denis, it's time to put on my walking shoes and end up on Mont-Royal and Laurier. Perhaps with all that walking, I'll be able to find a reason to stay in Montreal.
So I really enjoyed the look above. The dress and cardigan are both from Urban Outfitters, bought on separate occasions during Thanksgiving. I know, I know, I go there way too much - I also spend way too much money there, even when I realise that for the prices they charge I'm not getting much back in quality. But it's sooo pretty. The tights are, rather upsettingly, starting to tear - it was my first time wearing them after purchasing them from Winners for 6 dollars. I guess I couldn't ask for much. They were pretty when I first slipped them on, but then started realising that everytime I crossed and uncrossed my legs, I was tearing them. The boots are a few years old and are from Steve Madden. I've only just gotten to wearing them more often because I've been having problems with the snap button on the back - I have found a very awkward way of putting them on to solve this problem. I decided to minimise on the accessories because of the big pattern on the dress.
Back to work, as I have 3 presentations and a midterm coming in 2 weeks. Ah!